Welcome to the English 1 Course Blog. This blog will serve as a forum where we can discuss the course readings and other topics related to our class discussions.
You will be expected to post on this blog at least ten times during the semester. To receive credit for your post, you must write at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences). You do not have to worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation.
i think that every time the f-word comes about on tv it should be censored and blocked otherise it would create a norm for society. if people see this word being said on tv they would think its okay for them to say it and then there children will start saying it and i dont believe its giving you a great reputation. i have this friend who curses a lot and she doesnt know how to stop and when ppl first meet her they ask, "wow why is she cursing like that?" it makes girls especially look bad. like they arent angelic or friendly if they aare cursing. and me personally i wouldnt want to date someone who curses; its a bad attribute. soon hell be cursing at me. i also dont believe that the f-word is always used in an erotic sexual way. people say it all the time for the stupidest reasons like getting a ticket, breaking a nail, burning your dinner, etc.
i think that saying the f-word always means something sexual is a bit ridiculous and uneducated. there are many words with more than one meaning in the english language, how do you ignore the context of their use and say they only mean one thing. as for censoring on tv i feel its a necessary evil. it seems like all everyone wants to do is shock people, either with words or with extreme stuff on tv and in movies. we have the ability to shut of the tv and radio but when words start becoming so common in use you cant shut them out. they way some people curse i feel is disrespectful to others. it may be your right of free speach but a family has a right to take there kids out and not have to worry about people constantly yelling obscenities.
i think the f word evolved from the sexual context or description. now its used in any sentences following or preceding any noun adverb adjective or even another curse word. i personally dont say that word because i dont feel that its an apporpreiate word for anyone to say. maybe there are exceptions when you are really angry or upset but the way the word changed and how the term is used so very loosely causes the question whether the restrictions should be lowered. hearing profanity and trying hard not to let your kids hear vulgar language theese days might be impossible. nowadays everyone sitting on the subway hears this word every ten minutes at least. but this is still no excuse to loosen the restrictions on the f word. if its loosen then the govt dhould not regulate any content that appears on tv be that as well will be very accustomed to and will become normal to our revolutionizing american society.
I don't believe that when the F-word is being said that it means something sexual. I mean, yes once of the slang meanings for it DOES mean something sexually, but I believe that it has become part of our culture and people just use to to express emotion about something or just use because sadly they don't have anything else to say. I believe that its a lil bit too late to try to ban it because the f-word is all over. Nowadays when you watching a PG-13 movie you hear the word AT LEAST once so now we have to be careful where little kids are because even on basic channels you are hearing words like b----, and s---. In this day in age, its a little bit harder to block out curse words but I don't believe that its okay because sometimes its get to be just too much when your watching a movie and all you hear are curse words. It just becomes distasetful and not even funny.
The f-word is not only used in a sexual way. Though the word can be used to imply sexual activities, the f-word is used to as a curse or can be said in anger. Banning the f-word would not make a difference. Its not like kids do not know what the word means or what the other curses mean. Most of time kids hear curses in their homes before they hear the curse words from outsiders, so hearing it on TV does not make much of difference. It just seems like a big deal when you hear it in public or on TV because it's a harsh word to use. But if it is not on TV, then kids can still say it at home or in public. I think the only thing parents can or could do is teach their kids about the proper and improper use of language.
The original meaning of the f-word may have been something sexual but nowadays, people use it for millions of things totally not having any sexual connotation. As far as banning it, I don't feel really strongly either way. Personally, I don't use the f-word, but trying to protect people and kids from hearing it is completely pointless. You hear it all the time just walking down the street, so it's not like because you heard it a couple of times on tv, all of a sudden you're gonna be corrupted. However, by allowing it, it's gonna end up being used all the time and even though kids do know it now, they usually understand that they shouldn't say it. But if it becomes so common and it's allowed, I think people, even kids, will be using it all the time and we'll become desensitized to the fact that it really is a bad word. So, I would probably agree with the ban because I just don't want everyone to start using it all the time, but I totally don't think the fact that a million years ago it meant something sexual should have any effect on whether or not it's banned now.
i think that everytime if someone uses a f-word that doesnt mean they want to make it look like in a sexual way. it could be interpredted in other way also which people dont really want to. what comes to peoples' mind is that it is subjected for sexual means. and i also think that it shouldnt be shown on tv, or any other place where children can listen and use it. even though when kids will go to school they will learn these words from there. but from out side we should be confident enough that we didnt teach them any kind of curse.
I think that the f word did at one point have a sexual meaning but in todays society that is only part of it. In today's society people use the f word when they are frustrated or when they are angry when they have no sexual meaning at all. I think people need to lower there use of the f word because that word is becoming used way to much. I mean i am not saint i do use the word a lot but i try and not to. I have personally seen many little kids using this word because it is all around them and it is really wrong to hear little kids talk like that. But in todays modern society i think that the f word has lost its sexual meaning because when peope want to speak of sexual situations they will just use the word sex which is more acceptable today. But i do not believe that the f word should be used as much as it is in today's society and we need to cut back on the use of the f word.
this to me is a funny topic because it can be interpreted in many ways. When someone on tv,even in movies says the f word, to me it's not big deal. There are certain restrictions when a person should say it like family shows or tv shows where little kids might be watching it but if someone says it in a movie, where everything is blowing up or their a lot of sexual preference then its not so bad. I used to see people in junoir high school make a big deal when they saw people on tv or a movie saying the f word. it was the funniest thing but like i said, there is a time and place for certain words but besides the word sh*t, i believe the f word is the most said word out there
i think that the fcc should loosen its restrictions on "obscene" words. by trying to control what comes out of people's mouths is trying to limit one's freedom of speech. in response to the use of the f-word, every time someone says it they are not talking about sex. it is a word that has a lot of other meanings. to restrict the use of this word would be impossible because, like christine said, you hear it just about everywhere especially in movies. I think that there are a lot of other things that are worse that this word, like the stuff that they SHOW on t-v, and that the fcc should stop wasting their time on a word that is widely used.
I think that the f-word is said so much outside that our children will hear it even if it is not on tv. However, putting it on tv will definitely glamourize it and make it look ok- which is not right. The f-word isnt erotic at all, its common slang, erotic is sensual and creative- i say the f-word all the time when i'm not in a situation where its innappropriate to do so, and therefore it doesnt make me look bad because i can be articulate when i have to- i kinda dont agree with the opinion that it cursing makes girls look bad, that perpetuates an unfair stereotype which inevitably makes it seem ok for guys to curse but bad for girls to do the same thing, making guys more liberated in society and girls less so- i mean come on, its really not that serious-people have way more important things to be focusing on in society today
i think that every time the f-word comes about on tv it should be censored and blocked otherise it would create a norm for society. if people see this word being said on tv they would think its okay for them to say it and then there children will start saying it and i dont believe its giving you a great reputation. i have this friend who curses a lot and she doesnt know how to stop and when ppl first meet her they ask, "wow why is she cursing like that?" it makes girls especially look bad. like they arent angelic or friendly if they aare cursing. and me personally i wouldnt want to date someone who curses; its a bad attribute. soon hell be cursing at me. i also dont believe that the f-word is always used in an erotic sexual way. people say it all the time for the stupidest reasons like getting a ticket, breaking a nail, burning your dinner, etc.
i think that saying the f-word always means something sexual is a bit ridiculous and uneducated. there are many words with more than one meaning in the english language, how do you ignore the context of their use and say they only mean one thing. as for censoring on tv i feel its a necessary evil. it seems like all everyone wants to do is shock people, either with words or with extreme stuff on tv and in movies. we have the ability to shut of the tv and radio but when words start becoming so common in use you cant shut them out. they way some people curse i feel is disrespectful to others. it may be your right of free speach but a family has a right to take there kids out and not have to worry about people constantly yelling obscenities.
i think the f word evolved from the sexual context or description. now its used in any sentences following or preceding any noun adverb adjective or even another curse word. i personally dont say that word because i dont feel that its an apporpreiate word for anyone to say. maybe there are exceptions when you are really angry or upset but the way the word changed and how the term is used so very loosely causes the question whether the restrictions should be lowered. hearing profanity and trying hard not to let your kids hear vulgar language theese days might be impossible. nowadays everyone sitting on the subway hears this word every ten minutes at least. but this is still no excuse to loosen the restrictions on the f word. if its loosen then the govt dhould not regulate any content that appears on tv be that as well will be very accustomed to and will become normal to our revolutionizing american society.
I don't believe that when the F-word is being said that it means something sexual. I mean, yes once of the slang meanings for it DOES mean something sexually, but I believe that it has become part of our culture and people just use to to express emotion about something or just use because sadly they don't have anything else to say. I believe that its a lil bit too late to try to ban it because the f-word is all over. Nowadays when you watching a PG-13 movie you hear the word AT LEAST once so now we have to be careful where little kids are because even on basic channels you are hearing words like b----, and s---. In this day in age, its a little bit harder to block out curse words but I don't believe that its okay because sometimes its get to be just too much when your watching a movie and all you hear are curse words. It just becomes distasetful and not even funny.
The f-word is not only used in a sexual way. Though the word can be used to imply sexual activities, the f-word is used to as a curse or can be said in anger. Banning the f-word would not make a difference. Its not like kids do not know what the word means or what the other curses mean. Most of time kids hear curses in their homes before they hear the curse words from outsiders, so hearing it on TV does not make much of difference. It just seems like a big deal when you hear it in public or on TV because it's a harsh word to use. But if it is not on TV, then kids can still say it at home or in public. I think the only thing parents can or could do is teach their kids about the proper and improper use of language.
The original meaning of the f-word may have been something sexual but nowadays, people use it for millions of things totally not having any sexual connotation. As far as banning it, I don't feel really strongly either way. Personally, I don't use the f-word, but trying to protect people and kids from hearing it is completely pointless. You hear it all the time just walking down the street, so it's not like because you heard it a couple of times on tv, all of a sudden you're gonna be corrupted. However, by allowing it, it's gonna end up being used all the time and even though kids do know it now, they usually understand that they shouldn't say it. But if it becomes so common and it's allowed, I think people, even kids, will be using it all the time and we'll become desensitized to the fact that it really is a bad word. So, I would probably agree with the ban because I just don't want everyone to start using it all the time, but I totally don't think the fact that a million years ago it meant something sexual should have any effect on whether or not it's banned now.
i think that everytime if someone uses a f-word that doesnt mean they want to make it look like in a sexual way. it could be interpredted in other way also which people dont really want to. what comes to peoples' mind is that it is subjected for sexual means. and i also think that it shouldnt be shown on tv, or any other place where children can listen and use it. even though when kids will go to school they will learn these words from there. but from out side we should be confident enough that we didnt teach them any kind of curse.
I think that the f word did at one point have a sexual meaning but in todays society that is only part of it. In today's society people use the f word when they are frustrated or when they are angry when they have no sexual meaning at all. I think people need to lower there use of the f word because that word is becoming used way to much. I mean i am not saint i do use the word a lot but i try and not to. I have personally seen many little kids using this word because it is all around them and it is really wrong to hear little kids talk like that. But in todays modern society i think that the f word has lost its sexual meaning because when peope want to speak of sexual situations they will just use the word sex which is more acceptable today. But i do not believe that the f word should be used as much as it is in today's society and we need to cut back on the use of the f word.
this to me is a funny topic because it can be interpreted in many ways. When someone on tv,even in movies says the f word, to me it's not big deal. There are certain restrictions when a person should say it like family shows or tv shows where little kids might be watching it but if someone says it in a movie, where everything is blowing up or their a lot of sexual preference then its not so bad. I used to see people in junoir high school make a big deal when they saw people on tv or a movie saying the f word. it was the funniest thing but like i said, there is a time and place for certain words but besides the word sh*t, i believe the f word is the most said word out there
i think that the fcc should loosen its restrictions on "obscene" words. by trying to control what comes out of people's mouths is trying to limit one's freedom of speech. in response to the use of the f-word, every time someone says it they are not talking about sex. it is a word that has a lot of other meanings. to restrict the use of this word would be impossible because, like christine said, you hear it just about everywhere especially in movies. I think that there are a lot of other things that are worse that this word, like the stuff that they SHOW on t-v, and that the fcc should stop wasting their time on a word that is widely used.
I think that the f-word is said so much outside that our children will hear it even if it is not on tv. However, putting it on tv will definitely glamourize it and make it look ok- which is not right. The f-word isnt erotic at all, its common slang, erotic is sensual and creative- i say the f-word all the time when i'm not in a situation where its innappropriate to do so, and therefore it doesnt make me look bad because i can be articulate when i have to- i kinda dont agree with the opinion that it cursing makes girls look bad, that perpetuates an unfair stereotype which inevitably makes it seem ok for guys to curse but bad for girls to do the same thing, making guys more liberated in society and girls less so- i mean come on, its really not that serious-people have way more important things to be focusing on in society today
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