Monday, September 1, 2008

Love & Marriage

Almost every story in Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies revolves around a marriage (arranged or unarranged, sanctioned or unsanctioned). What are your thoughts on marriage? What is the relationship between love and marriage? What makes a good/bad marriage? What do you think Jhumpa Lahiri is suggesting about marriage?


Anonymous said...

My thoughts on marriage are that it is the most sacred of institutions and that it is not to be taken lightly. Love and a similar belief system have to be previously established, I believe, in order for it to work. I think that the relationship between love and marriage is that love is something that has to happen before marriage. Love, I think, is having respect, trust, and understanding between both parties. Marriage is something that is entered into after the foundation, love, is established. A good marriage is one where everyone is on "the same page" most of the time. There are no secrets and love is abundant. A bad marriage is when love (by my definition) is not solidified between the two people in question. This creates tension and allows small issues to turn into larger ones. I think that the author is saying that love can surpass all else as long as it is there.

flora said...

marriage is more than the love and the commitment. its about the amount of effort you put in to make sure you and your partner are on the same page. the arranged marriage seemed much better because they were strangers so they could learn to love one another but when two people who weren't arranged it seemed as if they soon became strangers because they no longer had the same level of communication to continue loving one another.

Anonymous said...

marriage is about communication. it's more than love. it's about being able to connect to the other person through words. Being able to talk about anything whether its how many children they prefer or what happened in work that day. of course love is important too. i know some people who just get married not for the money but because thier spouse is capable of supporting them. and then there are others who are forced to break up because they are too young. my favorite quote i heard about marriage is "it's better to find the right person at the wrong time than to find the worng person later on." love is sudden and when it comes to you, you have to grab it. marriage is based on some sort of love because you won't be able to keep your marriage alive without at least a drop of love. a bad marriage i would think is a marriage which has no communication or no balance between a physical relationship and a communicative. if marriage was only about physical it would end up failing, eventually just get boring.

Anonymous said...

Marriage is a very delicate status. The work involved to sustain a marriage takes years of hard work. You must be able to live with the person through happiness and hardships.Good marriages develop with good communication skills and the ability to tolerate another person. Someone who always wants it there way or no way will be the cause of a bad marriage. Marriage causes the love to increase, you must start off with love but the major increase is after marriage. The author explains that communication is the primary cause for a successful marriage.

Anonymous said...

i think for the most part, lahiri mentions love/marraige as sort of a game. you fall in love, you spend your time with that lover, but then you grow old and tired of that same person, so you move on to the next. i personally think love is something you experience once in your life, (excluding family members or friends)and the way some of these characters treated love, rather mishandled is just wrong. in the interpretor of maladies, the lady wasn't even honest with her own husband, one of her child wasn't even his. because she couldnt handle one true love, she now faces the consequences. but for Mr. K, it's understandable, he was forced under an arranged marraige and never truly experienced true love. marriage, in this case, suggests that people are stuck in some sort of hell hole forever. which really sucks.

Anonymous said...

I think that marriage is one of those relationships that should be kept in any kind of situation. Marriage and Love are those 2 kind of relationships without which nothing could be worked out. A good marriage is when husband and wife both try to understand each other, communicate with each other and also trust each other without any second thoughts and also respect each other. A bad marriage is when either the husband or wife decieve each other and also think of themselves to be superior of the other. I think that the author is trying to say that as long as love exists every misunderstanding could be resolved and no arguments occur.

Anonymous said...

i think marriage is really how much a couple is willing to tolerating to each in Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies, this blessed house Sanjeev tolerated Twinkle's demands.

Anonymous said...

I believe that people have very idealistic views of love and they don't realize how much effort it takes to make a marriage work. I feel like people expect to fall in love and get married and have a fairy tale ending. Life rarely works that way. It takes a lot of work for two people to make a marriage work. They both have to be willing to give to each other and communicate with each other, or their love will fade and they'll grow apart. We clearly see in A Timely Matter how a lack of communication can make a marriage fall apart. So although love is a very important part of marriage, and you want to make sure to marry someone you're in love with, love itself will not make the marriage last. It's the effort that the two people put into the marriage that will decide whether the marriage will last or not.

Anonymous said...

i believe that marriage is something that needs constant work. love, being respect, trust, dedication, and communication must all be present at the center of marriage, but not be taken for granted. once you become stagnant and start taking things for granted, it can fall apart fast. i think marriage is also a journey two people take together that is constantly changing so if both people are continuing to change(grow) they will grow further apart. i think Jhumpa Lahiri suggests that if two people are in a relationship they need to constantly work at it to keep it going.

Anonymous said...

Marriage in my view is the union of two people who love each other and trust one another, through any types of circumstances, good or bad. In my opinion, marriages would work if they are based on trust, love, and commitment. I strongly believe that marriage will work if the two people have the same views in life meaning how they see their future and having the same set of goals. That is one of the most important elements in a succesful marriage, in my thought. A bad marriage is when there is no love to start with. For example, if a marriage is based on money, or obsession, etc., then in the majority of the cases, marriages are unsuccessful. Jhumpa Lahiri suggests that communication and commitment will create a good marriage. In addition to that, I believe that if true love for one another exists, then it will happen or else it is just living with a person just because you feel obligated that you have to, which always could create bitter relationships.

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