Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama and McCain on Education

Summarize Obama and McCain's platforms on education. Which candidate's policies align with your own views on education? Support your assertions.

Click on the following links to see what the candidates said about education during the debate last night:
Obama and McCain on Education Part 1
Obama and McCain on Education Part 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i must start off with this: talk is cheap and actions speak louder then words. what they say is not always what they do, but i still watched the debate on tv anyways just to hear their plans.

senator obama view on education is to increase the govt spending on education, whether it be on professionaly trained teachers or grants given out to students. mcains view is also to reward good teachers but doesnt agree to spend alot more money. they both agree that support is needed from the parents of the students and that more govt loans should be given out to qualified student with a reasonable payment plan. And bad teachers will be removed quickly with notice.
Obama also wants to focus on early childhood education. They also discuss the policy designed by the bush administration called no child left behind. They agree with the policy but claim not enough funding was given to support the new policy.
My view on education align with obama more then mcain. Mcain does not want to invest more money in the educational system, he claims this will not solve the problem. I do not agree with him by still vouchers need to be accredited to qualified student who desire to stay in school. He doesn’t want to invest more vouchers to student because it will not solve the education deficit. Money shouldn’t be given with closed eyes, you should know where the govt money is going. When mcain says just instituting more money in the education, shouldn’t be the solution, he said as if your just giving to regular people who ask for it, money is actually going to qualified students, teachers and scools.