Friday, October 31, 2008

Money vs. Passion

Does anybody have any last thoughts on what we talked about in class today? Why are you attending college? To prepare for a career? To study something you love? Both?
How important is passion for a career? How important is money?


Anonymous said...

i see i sparked a big conversation in class with that big question.

money is important, but loving what you do is more important. take the example of a garbage man, its known that they make good money and get benefits from the state. however, do you thik they love picking up peoples garbage every morning. when somebody asks them what do they do for a living, you think they like responding i am a garbage man. i dont think they really like what they do, but what probably drove them to take this job was the money. we always hear the quote that money cant buy happiness, which i think is very true in a way. but sometimes having money can take away a little stress in life. using something you love doing and turning it into a business or a career is the smartest thing someone can do. as my future worries me, i turned to educartion to make myself more valuable to society. i am not necessarily in college for the sole purpose of making money. ever since i left high school i have been eager to learn and educate myself, since i dont think i did a good job to learn in high school.

another interesting thing i read was on career planning. if you plan your major thinking it will lead to a successful job, your plans might change. although you need to be organized and plan some parts of your life out, sometimes you just need to go with the flow. so college for a specific career may not always turn out the way you want it to be.

money is important, but other things are much more important. such as loving what you do, health and family.

Rosa S said...

I love art more than anything else, and writing is a very close second, but I'm realistic enough to know that neither one can ever really get me very far without a considerable amount of luck. So I'm in college in order to prepare for a career that can make me something that I need to be in order to live a good life. You need a certain level of financial stability to go to college just to study for fun.

I believe that in order to have the ability to go to work every single day, you need to have at least a liking for what you do. Not everyone is fortunate enough to do what they love, but there shouldn't be any resentment towards what you're doing, either. I choose medicine because I want to be different from the doctors I've encountered and seen. It's more of a mission than a passion, but it's something to strive towards.

I'd say money is a bit more important than passion for a career. Do something you don't really like, make money, then retire early to do whatever you want. Or find a way to do both. I'm fully planning on drawing my entire life. It's not something I can let go of. Besides, it's too much of a part of me to ever let go. I think that's possible to do.

Anonymous said...

i think a lot of people major in certain subjects not because they are interested but because they need to find a job, and those particular subjects will help them earn good money. me particularly, i dont know what i want to major in, who i want to be yet. mymother keeps putting certain thoughts in my head about being a teacher or a nurse or a speech nthrapist. but nothing really rings a bell. when it comes down to it though, i know i want to do something that i enjoy. if i dont enjoy someting at all im going to end up miserable. i do love making money, and i always feel like i need to get a job so i can have more monney, but when it omes down to my life goal and dream job, i kow i have to like what im doing and pursue an interst, not just be in it fro the money. when you have a passion to do what yuo want to do, it makes it easier for you to wake up in the morning and go to your job. otherwiise youre just going to regret it.

Anonymous said...

money is indeed very important. it is a necessity for everyone. but how far are you willing to go? most college students risked a passion just for money. money is important but it can come and go. my aunt used to tell me "a rich man can be a poor man tomorrow". she meant that sometimes you look at a poor man and think that he is worth nothing at all but he is worth much more than a rich man, because the rich man cannot buy that poor man's happiness. how are you so sure that the money you are working your whole life for would be there tomorrow? personally i feel like you can compromise. if you like art why not become an art teacher? maybe you wont be rich but you could certainly die happy. and the way i see it i rather die happy than to die empty even if that means risking a couple of dollars.

vitale said...

money is very important in todays society and for many people, to make alot of money, that requires to go to school. Me personally, im going to college to make something better of myself otherwise i would just be home all day like a bum. As for passion for a job, i think that it can go a long way if you actually like your job. I know many people who dislike their job but do it to put food on the table and then i no people who do their job because they simply love it. Everyone is different but i would get a job that makes good pay even though i might not love it but i have to like it in some ways.

Anonymous said...

money and doing what something you love both are important. you cant survive if u dont have money and you also cant survive if you dont have a career. because companies only give job to those people who have a degree and know something about the field that they are in. but, most people go for the ways in which they can make money more easily and not have to go through a lot of studying and making a career. liek as hymie said nobody likes to say if they are doing job as garbage man but that was the easiest way to make more money.

Anonymous said...

i believe that passion is important when choosing a career but the importance of money can not be overstated.i remember working at a store once and hating everything about the job.i hated the building and the environment.i used to walk around with a frown on my face and felt like a fish out of water.i just could not get that elusive feeling of content and was beginning to act like a 70 year old man who just discovered that he had missed out on the good things of life.i was brought up by my mom and grand parents who although did not have much,were among the happiest and most content people with their lives.this feeling of content was achieved not because they had millions to spread around but because they were happy at their jobs and surrounded by the people they loved.i will trade all the money in the world to have half of that happiness as i feel money is just a tool one uses in ones journey of life and should not overshadow the ultimate destination which is happiness.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm in college for both. Finding a balance between what you love and what you can make a living out of is what's most important, I feel. As of now, I'd love to be a filmmaker as a profession, but i just don't know how realistic that is. I think college is helpful not only for people who know what they want right off the bat and choose their major. It also helps people who don't exactly know. It's the best place to look at your career options. That's what I plan to do. Having a huge amount of money is not important to me if I can do something I really enjoy for just a decent amount instead. To me, a life making a lot of money doing something you can't stand is empty.

Anonymous said...

I think that one should find a balance between making as much money as one can while enjoying it as much as possible or giving up the least amt of personal comfort possible. If you enjoy art 4 example thats great but unless u can support ur self with that u need another job. I alays envied ball players b/c they get paid miillions of dollars to play a sport they obviously love.I think that making money while doing sumthing you love is the best possible situation one can be in( in terms of proffesions)

Anonymous said...

we all have to be realistic in the harsh world we live in today. we live in a society that demands the expenditure of money, and that makes money a necessity. if people aren't lucky enough to be born wealthy, they have to have a job that will render them financially stable. there are so many professions for people to choose from, but its important for people to love what they do for a living because it is very possible to be miserable and stressed out while being rich, and it is more important to be happy and not have a lot of extra money to throw around. I have wanted to be a doctor ever since i can remember. people have been telling me that i should be a lawyer my entire life, and frankly i know am much better at history and english than i am at math and certain types of science. but i don't love law, i love medicine- i grew up around it and i cant imagine being anything else. people always tell me to go for law because its safe and a sure way to make money- but i cant imagine making millions of dollars as a lawyer,going to the hospital, and talking to doctors who make less money than me and not feel jealous of them. you have to follow your heart and make the most of it.

Anonymous said...

I think it's very important to find something that has both aspects to it. Obviously when choosing what you're gonna do for the rest of your life, you want to choose something you enjoy, or you'll just always be miserable. On the other hand, if it's not practical, and you're never going to be able to do anything with it, then what's the point? I don't think it's so hard to find something you like that you could have a career in. Almost everything, you could get a job with, it's just a matter of what type of job you're set on having. If you only want to have a job that pays extremely well, your choices will be more limited and you may have to choose something that you're not as passionate about. If money's not as important to you, you can really go after what you love. It's all a matter of your priorities. Personally, I love what I'm going for and it happens to be a great career right now, so I got lucky. For some people it can be a very difficult decision, because you may have to make a trade-off and really figure out which is more important to you in the long run.

Anonymous said...

i am attending college because i know that it is something that i am suppossed to do. you cant get anywhere without a college education these days so attending college is a must. It is also to prepare me for a career, sort of. I ma pre med right now but i like other things as well but i know that in the long run, you cant really do anything with a degree that isnt in math or science. I am trying to figure out, however, if i can live with all of the work that comes with being a doctor (all the years of schooling). I am still searching for a way that my passion can be intergrated into my career because i know that i wont truly be happy if i just do this for money or for a title.

Anonymous said...

I attend College with mix feelings. The things i love will probably not make a dime, so i try to keep those as hobbies (like my great love for guitar). im not a passionate person by nature, so as of now im studying for a job that will be the least likely to bore me. At the same time, I know the importance of money, so thats why i continue to stay in college and study for a career.
Even people who pursue only passion need money to get by. Musicians need money for equipment. Writers find jobs in journalism or put out puts. (most) people who make video games are really passionate about their work, but they need money to fund their equipment to make more, better games. so really, its a mix of both. If you dont have any love for your job, you end up 40 and in a mid life crises - nobody wants that.

Anonymous said...

put out books*

i dont know how i missed that when i was editing...