Pick any article that we have read for class this semester, and write a parody* of it.
*A parody "is a work created to mock, comment on, or poke fun at an original work, its subject, or author, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation."
Sunday, December 14, 2008
College Sports
Should colleges have sports programs? What are the benefits of college sports programs? What are the disadvantages?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Summarize "The Myth of the Sexual Athlete." What is Sabo suggesting in this article. Do you agree or disagree with his points? Why?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Delusions of Grandeur
Read "Delusions of Grandeur."
Delusions of Grandeur
Summarize this article. How does Gates support his points? What do you make of his argument?
This article was written in 1991. Do you think Gates's argument is still relevant today? Why or why not?
Delusions of Grandeur
Summarize this article. How does Gates support his points? What do you make of his argument?
This article was written in 1991. Do you think Gates's argument is still relevant today? Why or why not?
Cindy Jackson
What does Cindy Jackson's story say about her perception of the world? Is her perception accurate? Does her story reflect any dark truths about American culture?
The American Nightmare
In "American Bioscience Meets the American Dream," Carl Elliott states, "If you want to understand America, you must first understand how a country whose citizens are known the world over for their outgoing self-confidence should emerge as a leading consumer of drugs for social anxiety; how a nation dedicated to the freedom of the individual should enforce standards for physical beauty with such rigidity that grown women race to restaurant toilets to throw up their dinners; and how a nation famed for its dedication to the pursuit of happiness should also be such a fertile market for antidepressant medication."
What is Elliott saying about America in this quote? Do you agree or disagree with his assessment? Defend your argument.
What is Elliott saying about America in this quote? Do you agree or disagree with his assessment? Defend your argument.
Physical Transformation
In recent years, we have seen the growing popularity of television shows about extreme weight loss and extreme body modification (The Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover). Why do you think people are drawn to these stories of physical transformation?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sample Topic Sentences
Here are two sample topic sentences. Notice how each topic sentence stays focused on the relationship between the two texts.
Both Fredrick Douglass and Malcolm X faced hindrances in the pursuits of a gaining a education due to their race and environment.
However, though they were able to see the that aspect of the race the same, Douglass and Malcolm X shared different viewpoints on white men as a whole.
Both Fredrick Douglass and Malcolm X faced hindrances in the pursuits of a gaining a education due to their race and environment.
However, though they were able to see the that aspect of the race the same, Douglass and Malcolm X shared different viewpoints on white men as a whole.
Sample Thesis Statement
Here is a student example of a strong thesis for the comparison essay:
Both Cofer and Staples discuss racial stereotypes and how they intersect with gender stereotypes in the United States; however, Staples, in a descriptive and colloquial style, describes how stereotypes affect his daily life, whereas Cofer, in an informative and self-assured biography, describes how stereotypes have affected her integration with American culture.
Both Cofer and Staples discuss racial stereotypes and how they intersect with gender stereotypes in the United States; however, Staples, in a descriptive and colloquial style, describes how stereotypes affect his daily life, whereas Cofer, in an informative and self-assured biography, describes how stereotypes have affected her integration with American culture.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Censorship & the Internet
Read this article and summarize it. How do you think the internet changes Clear Channel's ability to control media? Should there be a governing body that regulates internet content?
Interview Goes Viral
Interview Goes Viral
The F Word
Read the article and respond. Should the FCC loosen its restrictions on "obscene" words? Why or why not?
Must it always be about sex?
Must it always be about sex?
Analyzing a Film
Pick a movie that you like and analyze the style in the same way that we analyzed our songs in class.
What is the genre of the movie? What aspects of the film make it fit into this genre? How does the film challenge or question the genre?
Who is the audience for this film? How does the film appeal to this audience?
What is the tone of the film? Use details from the film to support your points.
What are the main themes of the film? Analyze the little details of the film (cinematography, editing, music, etc.) to support your points.
What is the genre of the movie? What aspects of the film make it fit into this genre? How does the film challenge or question the genre?
Who is the audience for this film? How does the film appeal to this audience?
What is the tone of the film? Use details from the film to support your points.
What are the main themes of the film? Analyze the little details of the film (cinematography, editing, music, etc.) to support your points.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Video for Thursday
Please watch this video for Thursday and jot down a few notes about it. Christine, of Group 4, will be talking about it as part of her presentation.
Being Multiracial in America
Being Multiracial in America
Friday, October 31, 2008
Martin Luther King, Jr. & Malcolm X
In these two quotes, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X put forward two different philosophies for responding to racial oppression. What are your thoughts on these two viewpoints? Which quote do you agree with more? Support your answer.
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys a community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I think there are plenty of good people in America, but there are also plenty of bad people in America and the bad ones are the ones who seem to have all the power and be in these positions to block things that you and I need. Because this is the situation, you and I have to preserve the right to do what is necessary to bring an end to that situation, and it doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't even call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence.
- Malcolm X
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than to convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys a community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I think there are plenty of good people in America, but there are also plenty of bad people in America and the bad ones are the ones who seem to have all the power and be in these positions to block things that you and I need. Because this is the situation, you and I have to preserve the right to do what is necessary to bring an end to that situation, and it doesn't mean that I advocate violence, but at the same time I am not against using violence in self-defense. I don't even call it violence when it's self-defense, I call it intelligence.
- Malcolm X
Righteous Hate?
In "Notes of a Native Son," Baldwin explores how hate is detrimental to the soul: "Hatred which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated and this was an immutable law." (53).
Do you think that hate is ever justifiable, even righteous? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
Do you think that hate is ever justifiable, even righteous? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
Money vs. Passion
Does anybody have any last thoughts on what we talked about in class today? Why are you attending college? To prepare for a career? To study something you love? Both?
How important is passion for a career? How important is money?
How important is passion for a career? How important is money?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Superman & Alexie
What does the image of Superman represent in American culture. Why do you think Sherman Alexie would compare himself to this Western icon?
Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass
Compare Malcolm X's "Learning to Read" with Frederick Douglass's "Learning to Read and Write." What are the main similarities and differences between the two essays?
Against School
In "Against School," Gatto challenges the institution of education. Write a few paragraphs where you argue against something that is held in high regard by the majority of society.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
For Tuesday
For Tuesday, please read Alexie's "Reading, Writing, Superman and Me" and Douglass's "Learning to Read and Write"
It is very important that you do the reading for Tuesday because we will be working with these two essays in depth in class on Tuesday and over the next few weeks. These essays will serve as the first two essays that we will compare as we practice for the exit exam at the end of the semester.
As you read, take detailed notes in the margins.
How does each author learn how to read and write?
What hindrances does each author face?
How are the essays similar? How are they different?
What is the tone of each essay?
Who is the audience for each essay?
What is the purpose of each essay?
Also, please check out the biographies of these two authors because they are important for understanding the essays.
Frederick Douglass, (19th century African American humanitarian and abolitionist: author of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave)
Frederick Douglass
Sherman Alexie (20th century Native American author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction)
Sherman Alexie
And on a final note: Don't forget to bring your thesis for your neighborhood essay to class on Tuesday.
It is very important that you do the reading for Tuesday because we will be working with these two essays in depth in class on Tuesday and over the next few weeks. These essays will serve as the first two essays that we will compare as we practice for the exit exam at the end of the semester.
As you read, take detailed notes in the margins.
How does each author learn how to read and write?
What hindrances does each author face?
How are the essays similar? How are they different?
What is the tone of each essay?
Who is the audience for each essay?
What is the purpose of each essay?
Also, please check out the biographies of these two authors because they are important for understanding the essays.
Frederick Douglass, (19th century African American humanitarian and abolitionist: author of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave)
Frederick Douglass
Sherman Alexie (20th century Native American author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction)
Sherman Alexie
And on a final note: Don't forget to bring your thesis for your neighborhood essay to class on Tuesday.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Obama and McCain on Education
Summarize Obama and McCain's platforms on education. Which candidate's policies align with your own views on education? Support your assertions.
Click on the following links to see what the candidates said about education during the debate last night:
Obama and McCain on Education Part 1
Obama and McCain on Education Part 2
Click on the following links to see what the candidates said about education during the debate last night:
Obama and McCain on Education Part 1
Obama and McCain on Education Part 2
College Panel Calls For Less Focus On SATs
Baylor Rewards Freshman Who Retake SAT
Summarize the main points of this article. Do you think that Baylor University's practices are ethical or unethical? Support your assertions.
Baylor Rewards Freshman
Baylor Rewards Freshman
Reflecting on your Education
What is the purpose of education? What do you think are the three most important goals of education? Did your primary and/or secondary education meet these three goals? Provide specific examples from your own education.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
For Thursday
For Thursday, please read or reread "The Brain in Love." Don't worry about reading the essays by Sherman Alexie and Frederick Douglass. We will read those essays for next Tuesday.
I am also pushing back the deadlines for Essay 3. The draft for Essay 3 is not due on Thursday. I will be handing out a revised syllabus on Thursday that will show all of the updated deadlines for your readings and assignments.
The members of group 1(Gender Roles) should be ready to give their presentation to the class on Thursday.
I am also pushing back the deadlines for Essay 3. The draft for Essay 3 is not due on Thursday. I will be handing out a revised syllabus on Thursday that will show all of the updated deadlines for your readings and assignments.
The members of group 1(Gender Roles) should be ready to give their presentation to the class on Thursday.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Class Canceled on Tuesday
I will be canceling class on Tuesday due to a death in the family.
We will return to class on Thursday, October 16th.
We will return to class on Thursday, October 16th.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Describe what it looks and feels like to walk around your neighborhood. Use vivid imagery that appeals to all of the senses.
Hint: This could also serve as your introductory paragraph for Essay 3.
Hint: This could also serve as your introductory paragraph for Essay 3.
Writing for an Audience
Pick a topic that you are passionate about, and write a short persuasive essay (two paragraphs) for a specific magazine, newspaper, or website (ex: New York Times, Time, Rolling Stone, Salon etc.) Don't forget to post the name of the source.
Pick one of the essays that we have read for this unit, and write a counterargument where you refute one or two of the main points from that essay.
"Being A Man"
"Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls"
"Men, Women, Sex and Darwin"
"Being A Man"
"Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls"
"Men, Women, Sex and Darwin"
Thursday, October 2, 2008
VP Debate
Did you watch the VP debate? If so, what was your response? Who do you think came out on top? Support your assertions.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Quiz on Thursday!
For Thursday, please read, 1-17 & 210-215 in A Writer's Reference.
Also, please read "Men, Women, Sex, and Darwin." You will have a quiz on this essay in class on Thursday.
Helpful hint: "Men, Women, Sex, and Darwin" is an argument against evolutionary psychology. Angier explains the major tenets of evolutionary psychology and then counters each claim.
These are the points that she refutes in her article: "1. Men are more promiscuous and less sexually reserved than women are. 2. Women are inherently more interested in a stable relationship than men are. 3. Women are naturally attracted to high-status men with resources. 4. Men are naturally attracted to youth and beauty. 5. Humankind's core preferences and desires were hammered out long, long ago, a hundred thousand years or more, in the legendary Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation, or E.E.A., also known as the ancestral environment, also known as the Stone Age, and they have not changed appreciably since then, nor are they likely to change in the future."
Pay special attention to how she argues against these claims.
Also, please read "Men, Women, Sex, and Darwin." You will have a quiz on this essay in class on Thursday.
Helpful hint: "Men, Women, Sex, and Darwin" is an argument against evolutionary psychology. Angier explains the major tenets of evolutionary psychology and then counters each claim.
These are the points that she refutes in her article: "1. Men are more promiscuous and less sexually reserved than women are. 2. Women are inherently more interested in a stable relationship than men are. 3. Women are naturally attracted to high-status men with resources. 4. Men are naturally attracted to youth and beauty. 5. Humankind's core preferences and desires were hammered out long, long ago, a hundred thousand years or more, in the legendary Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation, or E.E.A., also known as the ancestral environment, also known as the Stone Age, and they have not changed appreciably since then, nor are they likely to change in the future."
Pay special attention to how she argues against these claims.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
An Identity Reduced to a Burka: Link & Questions
Here is the link to the reading for Thursday:
An Identity Reduced to a Burka
Summarize this article. What is the purpose of this piece? What is the tone? How does this article compare with the article "Black Men and Public Space."
This article was first published in the opinion section of the LA Times while "Black Men and Public Space" was initially published in Ms. magazine. How does each author write specifically for his or her intended audience? How might the writing style change if the author were to write about the same topic for a different group?
An Identity Reduced to a Burka
Summarize this article. What is the purpose of this piece? What is the tone? How does this article compare with the article "Black Men and Public Space."
This article was first published in the opinion section of the LA Times while "Black Men and Public Space" was initially published in Ms. magazine. How does each author write specifically for his or her intended audience? How might the writing style change if the author were to write about the same topic for a different group?
Help with your Final Paper!
Here are some handouts on the most common writing problems:
Proofreading for Commas
Comma Splices
Run-on sentences
Verb Tense
Proofreading for Commas
Comma Splices
Run-on sentences
Verb Tense
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Article: The Porn Myth
Summarize Naomi Wolf's argument against pornography. How does she support her points? What are the strengths in her argument? Are there any gaps or flaws in her logic? Do you agree or disagree with her argument? Why?
The Porn Myth
The Porn Myth
Summarize Paul Theroux's article, "Being a Man." What are his main points? How does he support his points? Do you think he makes a strong argument?
What are your views on masculinty in America? Do you think masculinity is an oppressive force as Theroux suggests? Why or why not?
What are your views on masculinty in America? Do you think masculinity is an oppressive force as Theroux suggests? Why or why not?
Two Articles on Sports
Here is the article that I mentioned in class about Jaime Nared, the twelve year old female basketball phenom:Jaime Nared
Here is an article that discusses the gender differences in male and female athletic performance:Men, Women, and Speed. 2 Words: Got Testosterone
Here is an article that discusses the gender differences in male and female athletic performance:Men, Women, and Speed. 2 Words: Got Testosterone
News Article: European Parliament Against Sexist Ads
Recently, the European Parliament reprimanded the advertising industry for employing gender stereotypes in ads.
Summarize this article. Do you think that this will change the advertising industry in Europe? Do you think we should implement a similar policy in the US? Why or why not?
Why do you think that advertisers often use gender stereotypes to sell products?
Europe Takes Aim at Sexual Stereotyping in Ads
Summarize this article. Do you think that this will change the advertising industry in Europe? Do you think we should implement a similar policy in the US? Why or why not?
Why do you think that advertisers often use gender stereotypes to sell products?
Europe Takes Aim at Sexual Stereotyping in Ads
Quiz Due Tuesday, September 23rd
Take Home Quiz
2-3 paragraphs
You can post it on the blog, but you must also bring in a typed copy for me on Tuesday if you want to get credit for the assignment.
Choose one of the following commercials or advertisements. Summarize the clip or ad, and then analyze what it implies about men, women, and/or the relationship between the sexes. What does it suggest about how men or women behave in American society? What does it say bout how men and should behave? Note any gender stereotypes. How does the ad or commercial use these gender stereotypes to sell the product
Commerical #1 Hungry Man
Commercial #2 Hasbro's Rose Petal Cottage
Commercial #3 Coca Cola Zero
Commercial #4 Dairy Queen
Commercial #5 Combos
Commercial #6Snickers
Advertisement #1

Advertisement #2

Advertisement #3

Advertisement #4

2-3 paragraphs
You can post it on the blog, but you must also bring in a typed copy for me on Tuesday if you want to get credit for the assignment.
Choose one of the following commercials or advertisements. Summarize the clip or ad, and then analyze what it implies about men, women, and/or the relationship between the sexes. What does it suggest about how men or women behave in American society? What does it say bout how men and should behave? Note any gender stereotypes. How does the ad or commercial use these gender stereotypes to sell the product
Commerical #1 Hungry Man
Commercial #2 Hasbro's Rose Petal Cottage
Commercial #3 Coca Cola Zero
Commercial #4 Dairy Queen
Commercial #5 Combos
Commercial #6Snickers
Advertisement #1

Advertisement #2

Advertisement #3

Advertisement #4


Friday, September 12, 2008
Post Your Introductory Paragraphs Here
Post your introductory paragraph, and I will give you feedback. Also, feel free to give helpful and constructive feedback to others.
Introductory Paragraphs
For this essay, you will use your introductory paragraph to grab the reader's attention and to focus and set the tone of your paper.
Here are some ideas for opening your essay. Check out the longer version here: Introductory Paragraphs
Begin with a quotation. Just make sure you explain its relevance
Begin with a question
Begin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to the one you plan to take
Begin with a very short narrative or anecdote that has a direct bearing on your paper
Begin with an interesting fact
Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant to your paper
Begin with irony or paradox
Begin with an analogy. Make sure it's original but not too far-fetched
Introductory Paragraphs
For this essay, you will use your introductory paragraph to grab the reader's attention and to focus and set the tone of your paper.
Here are some ideas for opening your essay. Check out the longer version here: Introductory Paragraphs
Begin with a quotation. Just make sure you explain its relevance
Begin with a question
Begin with an acknowledgment of an opinion opposite to the one you plan to take
Begin with a very short narrative or anecdote that has a direct bearing on your paper
Begin with an interesting fact
Begin with a definition or explanation of a term relevant to your paper
Begin with irony or paradox
Begin with an analogy. Make sure it's original but not too far-fetched
News Article: Facebook Ads Target You Where It Hurts
In this article, Rachel Beckman discusses how Facebook uses the personal information from Facebook users' profiles (ie. gender and marital status) to target advertisements toward specific users. For instance, women receive advertisements about weight loss and beauty products.
Do you think that this is an offensive practice? Why or why not? Can you think of other examples where this type of practice occurs? Do advertisers have an ethical responsibility to the consumers? Or is it all about selling the product?
Facebook Ads Target You Where it Hurts
Hint: If you have any problems opening the article from this link, go to google.com and type the title of the article in the search box. This should also pull it up.
Do you think that this is an offensive practice? Why or why not? Can you think of other examples where this type of practice occurs? Do advertisers have an ethical responsibility to the consumers? Or is it all about selling the product?
Facebook Ads Target You Where it Hurts
Hint: If you have any problems opening the article from this link, go to google.com and type the title of the article in the search box. This should also pull it up.
Mrs. Sen's
Compare Mrs. Sen and Eliot. How are they similar? How are they different? Why do you think Lahiri tells the story through Eliot's perspective? How might the story change if we (as readers) had more access to Mrs Sen's interior thoughts?
This Blessed House
Do you think that Sanjeev and Twinkle are compatible? If you were their relationship counselor, what advice would you give to them? Do you think their relationship will survive?
What do you make of the final line? "Sanjeev pressed the massive silver face to his ribs, careful not to let the feather hat slip, and followed her" (157).
What do you make of the final line? "Sanjeev pressed the massive silver face to his ribs, careful not to let the feather hat slip, and followed her" (157).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Reading for Tuesday, September 16th
I have changed the reading for Tuesday, September 16th.
We will be reading "The Gender Blur" by Deborah Blum and "Hers; Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls" by Katha Pollitt.
I will print out copies for everybody and hand them out on Thursday, but you can also find the articles here:
Katha Pollitt
We will be reading "The Gender Blur" by Deborah Blum and "Hers; Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls" by Katha Pollitt.
I will print out copies for everybody and hand them out on Thursday, but you can also find the articles here:
Katha Pollitt
Monday, September 8, 2008
MLA format for Essay 1: Important
Please be sure to format Essay1 properly by using the guidelines provided in this link: MLA format
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jhumpa Lahiri Reading
Ms. Lahiri will visit campus to read from her work and take questions from students on Tuesday, September 9, from 9:45-10:45 a.m. in Whitman Auditorium. The doors will open at 9:15 a.m.
Character Comparison
Compare Miranda from "Sexy" with Mr. Kapasi from "Interpreter of Maladies." How are they alike? How are they different?
List 5 or 6 questions that you would ask Jhumpa Lahiri if you had the chance.
And guess what! You have the chance. Don't forget to attend the reading on Tuesday.
And guess what! You have the chance. Don't forget to attend the reading on Tuesday.
Both "Interpreter of Maladies" and "Sexy" deal with the topic of infidelity. What are your views on infidelity? Why do you think people cheat?
How do you define infidelity? Laxmi, for instance, says in "Sexy" that she would leave her husband if he even looked at another woman. Would you consider Mr. Kapasi guilty of infidelity because of his thoughts about Mrs. Das?
How do you define infidelity? Laxmi, for instance, says in "Sexy" that she would leave her husband if he even looked at another woman. Would you consider Mr. Kapasi guilty of infidelity because of his thoughts about Mrs. Das?
News Article: Vogue's Fashion Photos Spark Debate in India
Recently, Vogue India photographed impoverished Indian workers in expensive designer clothing for a spread in the August issue.
Why do you think that there was such an outcry against these photographs? Do you think that this crosses the line into exploitation? How does using "real people" differ from using models?
Check out the article here Fashion Photos Spark Debate
Why do you think that there was such an outcry against these photographs? Do you think that this crosses the line into exploitation? How does using "real people" differ from using models?
Check out the article here Fashion Photos Spark Debate
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
News Article: Popularity in High School
What is the author of this article saying about popularity in high school? What did the social hierarchy look like in your high school? Do you think the social hierarchy changes in college? If so, how?
Click here for the link to the article:
The Popularity Scale
Click here for the link to the article:
The Popularity Scale
Monday, September 1, 2008
Love & Marriage
Almost every story in Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies revolves around a marriage (arranged or unarranged, sanctioned or unsanctioned). What are your thoughts on marriage? What is the relationship between love and marriage? What makes a good/bad marriage? What do you think Jhumpa Lahiri is suggesting about marriage?
Initial Response
Did you like Interpreter of Maladies? Why or why not? What specifically did you like or dislike? What did you find most interesting about the book?
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